Beekeeper’s Companion Illustrated Field Guide

Author: Adesina Daniel Oduntan

Get the companion book that has all the lesson chapters, complete with color illustrations. The book is new in concept, content and method of preparation, for a beginner beekeeper as well as for professionals to know and understand the basis of beekeeping. The concept is to show you beekeeping practices from a business point of view and the profitability of the craft through entrepreneurial skills development and innovations. (Published: July, 2018.)
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Beekeeper’s Companion Illustrated Field Guide


• The Biology and Ecology of Bees • Hands-on Demonstration Class • Handling Bees • Harvesting & Extracting of Beehive Products • Queen Rearing Techniques • Economics of Beekeeping


The economic situation in the world in general has warranted serious attention, especially in the developing countries, and this has called for entrepreneurial skills development and innovation in every professions, as the saying goes that whatever your profession …farm (Bee farming especially).

Agriculture plays a prominent role as a source of raw materials for many value-added products chains. Beekeeping has played an important role in reviving the nation’s agricultural potentials and rewarding the activity and knowledge of enterprising individuals and generating self-reliance.

Bees are nature’s gifts from God to help mankind for our survival.  It is a known fact that one third (1/3) of world food population is aided by bees through pollination. Despite the pollination services offered by bees, there are nine (9) other beehive products derivable from keeping bees, which are Floral honey, Honey-dew honey, Bee pollen, Bee propolis, Bee royal-jelly, Bee bread, Bee apilarnil, Bee venom and Beeswax.

Many people are scared and afraid of bee stings and regard bees as little deadly creatures, despite the benefits bees provide in nutrition, health and wellness.

This book is primarily designed for beekeepers, both the hobbyist and professional, to know what to do to make the best advantages of bees to improve their livelihoods. This book is an illustrated field guide that shows you step-by-step activities to be done at the apiary. It not only shows you what to do, but it gives you an illustration with pictures to do it right the first time.

Chapter one of the book explains the biology and ecology of bees, how to start right with bees, floral chart calendar and seasonal management of the bee colony.

Chapter two and three (2&3) delve into necessary tools in beekeeping for efficient and effective productivity, how to help bees experience their natural environment through proper manipulation of the colony and understanding of the basic principles on what to look for in the colony for good management.

The chapter four (4) is an interesting part of the book that may fascinate the beekeepers.  It shows how to harvest all the beehive products to fetch additional income, improve their wellness and nutritional value of beehive products.  These are well illustrated with the pictures.

Chapter five (5) explains the queen rearing in a simple way that a beginner beekeeper can raise his/her own queen bee with or without the support of a mentor.

The last chapter, which is chapter six (6) explains in detail what it entails to start your own business, the factors to be considered.

Finally, this book is written to encourage people out there to not wait for things to happen to them, but they should make things happen for themselves.

Adesina Daniel Oduntan,
email: [email protected]
July, 2018. Utah, USA